Feb 9 to Apr 21, 2019

Chris Kline and Yam Lau: Weave

Main Gallery
Chris Kline and Yam Lau
Stephen Horne and Sunny Kerr
The Agnes Etherington Art Centre

About the Exhibition

“The taut thread… was the precursor of the drawn line of architectural design, whose straightness was compared to that of a ray of light. Sixteenth century treatises on perspective even depicted sight lines as lines of tightly stretched thread, but with loose ends that betrayed their nature.” – Tim Ingold

Canadian artists Chris Kline and Yam Lau present Weave, a two-person exhibition that reflects precise involvement in the fields of force of materials. In an unusual pairing, the artists’ respective works find surprising affinities: Kline’s tender and rigorous hand-coloured paintings contrast with Lau’s gliding cinematic movements through simulated space, but both artists are intimately involved with the entanglement of idea and substance, being and becoming, memory and form, especially as woven through or across screens.

We generally understand two sorts of screens in our daily encounters: the ones that work by opacity to block something out, providing privacy, for example, and the other sort of screens that give us a window into the visual world. As they appear in these artists’ works, screens shift between withholding and revealing, layering and disclosing unfolding intricacies.

Tim Ingold, “The textility of making,” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2010, 34, 91-102


Image credits: Installation views of Chris Kline and Yam Lau: Weave, Varley Art Gallery of Markham, 2019. Photos: Toni Hafkenscheid.
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