Jan 12 to Feb 1, 2019

Next | Wave

Main Gallery
For a list of all featured artists, see below
Charlotte Gagnier
Varley Art Gallery of Markham

About the Exhibition

Ilze Briede, Monica Bujas, Phil Delisle, Esther Catherine Gauthier, Neil Harrison, Miles Ingrassia, Katika Marczell, Ella Dawn McGeough, Naz Rahbar, Ella Tetrault.

Visual arts programs at York University, at the Masters or Doctorate level, encourage students to develop their artistic practice independently within a critical and theoretical environment. York’s studio setting inspires artists to experiment, to expand their knowledge of contemporary trends within their field, and to develop their own artistic voices. Most importantly, it allows them to situate their practice not just within the wider artistic community, but within society as a whole.

Launching this winter, the Varley Art Gallery of Markham will partner with the Visual Arts Department of York University to present an annual exhibition of works by second year MFA and PhD students. This group exhibition will allow the students to exhibit in a professional setting, to broaden their exposure within the artistic community of York Region and to engage with visitors of all ages. The initiative strengthens the Varley Art Gallery’s position as a site for mentorship and as a forum for new ideas and experimentation.

Image credits: Installation views of Next | Wave, 2019. Photos: Charlotte Gagnier.