Support the Varley Art Gallery by becoming a member, making a donation, or volunteering. Your contributions help us continue to provide exceptional art experiences and programs to our community.

A mother holds her young son as he points to an artwork.


By joining the Varley Art Gallery membership you enjoy many benefits and also become a patron of the arts, contributing to programming and exhibition research, essential to the growth and vitality of the Gallery.

We have four membership levels to choose from:

  • Student
  • Individual
  • Family
  • Artist
A Tiptap pay devise


Donations are welcome and help the Gallery to acquire works of art to enhance their collection.

You can make an online donation to the Varley-McKay Art Foundation of Markham or donate directly to the Varley Art Gallery.

Your contributions will be much appreciated and well utilized. Choose from options most comfortable for you and receive a tax-deductible gift.

A young man in a red apron is working with clay at a table.


Volunteering at the Varley Art Gallery is a great way to have fun while learning job skills and life skills in a creative environment. Volunteers assist with special events, children’s programs, and monitor the exhibition galleries. As a volunteer, you will build leadership skills, learn how to work as part of a team, and help patrons get the most out of their visit. Volunteer opportunities are available for people with an interest in art, minimum age 14.

Varley-McKay Art Foundation of Markham

The Varley Art Gallery of Markham thanks the Varley-McKay Art Foundation of Markham for its years of ongoing support! There are plenty of ways to get involved whether it be contributing as a part of the Foundation board or attending one of its events.

Public program

Our Supporters

In over twenty-five years, the Varley Art Gallery of Markham has become a preeminent cultural institution serving communities in Markham and York Region while reaching audiences nationally and internationally.

Varley Art Gallery: About Us

Become a Corporate Supporter

The Varley Art Gallery’s corporate support program offers a unique opportunity for corporations to strengthen historical and contemporary Canadian art right here in Markham.