The Varley Art Gallery’s corporate support program offers a unique opportunity for corporations to strengthen historical and contemporary Canadian art right here in Markham.

As a corporate supporter, your organization will play a leading role in making our collections, exhibitions and programming possible. At the same time, you can promote your marketing objectives by taking advantage of the many benefits of being connected with the Varley’s programs and activities.

You will enjoy access to our membership and visitors – some 45,000 annually. You will have recognition opportunities relating to your level of support. These include logo and/or name placement on our website and opportunities to connect with visitors who participate in art classes and camps, special functions, exhibitions and tours, private meetings, and school programs/outreach activities.

Whether you are looking to sponsor an exhibition, donate to our educational programming or become a corporate member, there are many support opportunities that can connect you with a diverse audience including families, children, youth, professionals, members and art enthusiasts.

For more information, contact Niamh O’Laoghaire, Director, Varley Art Gallery at 905-477-7000 extension 3273 or